
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

bishkek day 4

A foggy and overcast day on the horizon for this day 4 in bishkek. It is certainly the coldest of days so far as my daughter will attest to. I even wore my gloves. A some what strange phenomenon with the local women is there insistence to impart a sort of scolding on anyone deemed to be not caring for there infant child correctly. At several corners the babushka would stop Kirstin to insure that all of Darwin's bodily parts were covered or to challenge her decision to even bring him out into the cold at all. I found this some what comical, Kirstin did not.

We took the opportunity this day to tour what would be the equivalent to our white house in the U.S. The government has endured 2 separate and successful overthrows in the last 9 years. One much bloodier than the other. The most recent revolution happened right before Kirstin and Farrell moved here so they really did not have a chance to experience any change. More random pictures to enjoy as my time here winds down.

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